Advance Testing has been providing special inspections on both local and non-local projects of all sizes for over thirty-five years. Special Inspections are required during the construction of commercial buildings and multiple dwellings more than 3 stories high. The special inspections required on a project verify that the approved materials, procedures and testing are in accordance with the provided drawings and specifications. This assures owners are delivered a high quality product as well as provide the public structure that is structurally sound. There are many different forms of special inspections; below they are broken down into the different areas in which they pertain.

Advance Testing has been providing special inspections on both local and non-local projects of all sizes for over thirty-five years. Special Inspections are required during the construction of commercial buildings and multiple dwellings more than 3 stories high. The special inspections required on a project verify that the approved materials, procedures and testing are in accordance with the provided drawings and specifications. This assures owners are delivered a high quality product as well as provide the public structure that is structurally sound. There are many different forms of special inspections; below they are broken down into the different areas in which they pertain.
- Verification of site preparation, in accordance with site plans and specifications
- Testing of bearing capacity beneath footings
- Verification of appropriate fill material
- Verification of compaction in relation to maximum compaction
- Inspection of Pile Driving
- Inspection of Drilled Piers
Cast-In-Place Concrete
- Verification and inspection of reinforcing steel type, size and layout
- Inspection of reinforcing steel welds
- Verification of anchor bolt placement location
- Inspection of concrete forms and procedures utilized
- Testing of concrete strength, slump, air content and temperature
- Concrete strength prior to removal of shoring
- Concrete strength prior to stressing tendons in post-tensioned concrete
- Inspection of mortar mixing and placement procedures
- Verification of horizontal and vertical reinforcement
- Inspection of reinforcing steel welds
- Inspection of grout space prior to placement
- Preparation of test specimens
- Verification of procedures used during hot and cold weather

- Verification of site preparation, in accordance with site plans and specifications
- Testing of bearing capacity beneath footings
- Verification of appropriate fill material
- Verification of compaction in relation to maximum compaction
- Inspection of Pile Driving
- Inspection of Drilled Piers
Cast-In-Place Concrete
- Verification and inspection of reinforcing steel type, size and layout
- Inspection of reinforcing steel welds
- Verification of anchor bolt placement location
- Inspection of concrete forms and procedures utilized
- Testing of concrete strength, slump, air content and temperature
- Concrete strength prior to removal of shoring
- Concrete strength prior to stressing tendons in post-tensioned concrete
- Inspection of mortar mixing and placement procedures
- Verification of horizontal and vertical reinforcement
- Inspection of reinforcing steel welds
- Inspection of grout space prior to placement
- Preparation of test specimens
- Verification of procedures used during hot and cold weather
Structural Steel
- Audit of fabrication shop
- Verification of location of steel members
- Proper application of joint details at connections
- Verification of bolting materials and installation procedures
- Inspection of field welds
- Ultrasonic Testing
- Magnetic Particle Testing
- Liquid Penetrant Testing
- Light Gauge Steel Framing Inspection
- Verification of proper substrate conditions prior to application
- Test for thickness, density and bond strength
- Verify compliance with design documents
- Verify that required materials are utilized
- Inspect application and compare with approved systems
Exterior Insulation and Finishing Systems
- Verification of proper substrate conditions prior to application
- Inspect application and protection of finishes

Structural Steel
- Audit of fabrication shop
- Verification of location of steel members
- Proper application of joint details at connections
- Verification of bolting materials and installation procedures
- Inspection of field welds
- Ultrasonic Testing
- Magnetic Particle Testing
- Liquid Penetrant Testing
- Light Gauge Steel Framing Inspection
- Verification of proper substrate conditions prior to application
- Test for thickness, density and bond strength
- Verify compliance with design documents
- Verify that required materials are utilized
- Inspect application and compare with approved systems
Exterior Insulation and Finishing Systems
- Verification of proper substrate conditions prior to application
- Inspect application and protection of finishes
- New York Construction Materials Association (NYCMA) QC/QA Technician Certification
- Associated General Contractors of New York State/New York State Department of Transportation (AGC/NYSDOT) Density Testing Inspector (DTI) Certification
- New Jersey Society of Asphalt Technologists (NJSAT) HMA Technician Certification
- Northeast Transportation Training and Certification Program (NETTCP) HMA Plant Technician
- Northeast Transportation Training and Certification Program (NETTCP) Paving Inspector
- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Region 1 HMA Technician Certification
- Florida Department of Transportation Construction Training Qualification Program (FDOT CTQP) Asphalt Plant Level 1 & 2
- Florida Department of Transportation Construction Training Qualification Program (FDOT CTQP) Asphalt Paving Level 1 & 2
- New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Profiler Device and Operator Certification
- Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MASSDot) Profiler Device Certification
- AASHTO Accreditation Program (AAP). Certificates of Accreditation are held for the following:
- Portland Cement Concrete ASTM: C31, C39, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C617, C1077, C1231
- Portland Cement Concrete Aggregate AASHTO: T11, T19, T21, T27, T84, T85, T104, T112, T248, T255
- Portland Cement Concrete AggregateASTM: C29, C40, C88, C117, C127, C128, C136, C142, C566, C702, C1077
- Soils AASHTO: T87, T88, T89, T90, T99, T100, T146, T176, T180, T215, T265
- Soils ASTM: D421, D422, D698, D854, D1557, D2216, D2217, D2419, D2434, D4318
- Hot Mix Asphalt AASHTO: T30, T164, T209, T245, T269
- Hot Mix Asphalt ASTM: D1559, D2041, D2172, D2726, D3203, D3666, D4867, D5444
- Hot Mix Asphalt Aggregates AASHTO: T11, T19, T21, T27, T37, T84, T85, T104, T112, T176, T248, T255
- Hot Mix Asphalt Aggregates ASTM: C29, C40, C88, C117, C127, C128, C136, C142, C566, C702, D546, D2419, D3666
- National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) Lab Code 200514-1
- US Army Corps of Engineers Qualified Laboratory
- NYC Department of Buildings Qualified Laboratory
- NYC Department of Design and Construction Qualified Laboratory
- International Code Council (ICC) Soils Special Inspector
- Northeast Transportation Training and Certification Program (NETTCP) Soils and Aggregate Inspector
- Northeast Transportation Training and Certification Program (NETTCP) Soils Laboratory Technician
- American Concrete Institute Aggregate Testing Technician
- American Concrete Institute Laboratory Testing Technician
- American Welding Society (AWS) Certified Welding Inspector
- American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)
- International Code Council (ICC) Structural Steel and Bolting Certification
- International Code Council (ICC) Structural Steel and Welding Special Inspector
- International Code Council (ICC) Fireproofing Special Inspector
- National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) Level 1 and 2
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Advance Testing’s services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
7:00am – 5:00pm
Advance Testing’s services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.